
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Michael: Welcome to 3-Minute Norwegian, Lesson 23 - Asking for the Bill. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask for the bill and check the change in Norwegian.
Michael: Here's the way to ask 'Can I have the check, please?' in Norwegian.
Inger: [Normal] Kan jeg få regningen, takk?
Michael: First is a word meaning 'can'
Inger: [Normal] kan [Slow] kan
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'I'
Inger: [Normal] jeg [Slow] jeg
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'get'
Inger: [Normal] få [Slow] få
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'the check'
Inger: [Normal] regningen [Slow] regningen
Michael: Last is the word meaning 'please'
Inger: [Normal] takk [Slow] takk
Michael: Note the rising intonation. Listen again to the question meaning 'Can I have the check, please?'
Inger: [Slow] Kan jeg få regningen, takk? [Normal] Kan jeg få regningen, takk?
Michael: Here's the way to say, 'I'd like to pay, please.'
Inger: [Normal] Jeg vil gjerne betale.
Michael: First is a word meaning 'I'
Inger: [Normal] jeg [Slow] jeg
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'want'
Inger: [Normal] vil [Slow] vil
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'please'
Inger: [Normal] gjerne [Slow] gjerne
Michael: Last is the word meaning 'pay'
Inger: [Normal] betale [Slow] betale
Michael: Listen again to the sentence meaning 'I'd like to pay, please.'
Inger: [Slow] Jeg vil gjerne betale. [Normal] Jeg vil gjerne betale.
Michael: Here's a sentence meaning 'I got back the wrong amount.'
Inger: [Normal] Jeg fikk igjen feil beløp.
Michael: First is a word meaning 'I'
Inger: [Normal] jeg [Slow] jeg
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'got'
Inger: [Normal] fikk [Slow] fikk
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'back'
Inger: [Normal] igjen [Slow] igjen
Michael: Next is the word meaning 'wrong'
Inger: [Normal] feil [Slow] feil
Michael: Last is the word meaning 'amount'
Inger: [Normal] beløp [Slow] beløp
Michael: Listen again to the sentence, 'I got back the wrong amount.'
Inger: [Slow] Jeg fikk igjen feil beløp. [Normal] Jeg fikk igjen feil beløp.
Michael: Here's a way to say, 'Keep the change.'
Inger: [Normal] Behold resten.
Michael: First is a word meaning 'keep'
Inger: [Normal] behold [Slow] behold
Michael: Last is the word literally meaning 'the rest'
Inger: [Normal] resten [Slow] resten
Michael: Listen again to the response, 'Keep the change.'
Inger: [Slow] Behold resten. [Normal] Behold resten.
Cultural Insight
Michael: Now it's time for a quick cultural insight.
Inger: You don't have to give tips when eating at restaurants in Norway, as the waiters have a fixed salary. But if you're extra happy with the service, it's also not uncommon to give 10 to 15% in tips.


Michael: And that’s all for this lesson. Don’t forget to check out the lesson notes, and we’ll see you in the next lesson!
Inger: Ha det bra!

