
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Yura:Hi and welcome back to NorwegianClass101.com! A here.
Filip:hei, jeg er B. Velkommen tilbake!
Yura:This is Absolute Beginner Series Lesson 7 - First Encounters in Norwegian, Part 2
Filip:In this lesson, we will look at how to expand on your self-introduction by adding things you like to do, and asking your conversation partner what he or she likes.
Yura:Or of course what you or the other person don’t like.
Filip:Of this series of 25 lessons, this will definitely be one of the more useful lessons for when you engage in a conversation.
Yura:In the following dialogue, Mark and Espen are on the train from the airport to the city.
Filip:Espen takes the opportunity to get to know his new friend better. This dialogue will be informal. After all, making friends is not a formal matter.
Yura:Ok, let’s have a look at the conversation then

Lesson conversation

Espen Så Mark, hva driver du med?
Mark Jeg jobber for Mercedes i New York.
Espen Ja, jeg jobber også for Mercedes. Har du en hobby?
Mark Åja, ja jeg liker å fiske. Hva med deg?
Espen Jeg liker å se på fotball.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Espen Så Mark, hva driver du med?
Mark Jeg jobber for Mercedes i New York.
Espen Ja, jeg jobber også for Mercedes. Har du en hobby?
Mark Åja, ja jeg liker å fiske. Hva med deg?
Espen Jeg liker å se på fotball.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Espen Så Mark, hva driver du med?
Yura: So Mark, what do you do?
Mark Jeg jobber for Mercedes i New York.
Yura: I work for Mercedes in New York.
Espen Ja, jeg jobber også for Mercedes. Har du en hobby?
Yura: Yes, I work for Mercedes too. Do you have a hobby?
Mark Åja, ja jeg liker å fiske. Hva med deg?
Yura: Oh, right. Yeah, I enjoy fishing. What about you?
Espen Jeg liker å se på fotball.
Yura: I like watching football.
Yura:Hey Filip, during my stay in Norway, I noticed a lot of people have hobbies or sports that they like to play.
Filip:Yes, a lot of Norwegians are very active during their free time, and since they have a lot of spare time on their hands, they have lots of hobbies as well.
Yura:So what are your hobbies Filip?
Filip:I like to go running four or five times a week, I go to the gym about three times a week, and I like hiking.
Yura:Wow, that sounds almost too stereotypical.
Filip:(Laughs) I know it may sound like that, but being fit is the main trend in Norwegian lifestyles.
Yura:Now that you say it, the family I stayed with had a cabin they would go to during holidays, and either ski during winter or go hiking in the milder seasons. Come to think of it, there was no road leading to that cabin either, we had to ski from the car to the cabin. It took about 30 minutes!
Filip:That sounds like a pretty common holiday to me.
Yura:Why don’t people make roads up to their cabins at least, it’s a lot of effort having to walk or ski all the way with luggage!
Filip:Well, Norwegians are very fond of nature, and if we can avoid it, we don’t interfere too much with it. That’s why people don’t make roads like that. They want to be able to enjoy nature's full beauty without any trace of asphalt or concrete around them.
Yura:I see! Okay, now let’s move onto the vocbab.
Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
så [natural native speed]
så [slowly - broken down by syllable]
så [natural native speed]
hva [natural native speed]
hva [slowly - broken down by syllable]
hva [natural native speed]
å drive [natural native speed]
to do
å drive [slowly - broken down by syllable]
å drive [natural native speed]
med [natural native speed]
med [slowly - broken down by syllable]
med [natural native speed]
å jobbe [natural native speed]
to work
å jobbe [slowly - broken down by syllable]
å jobbe [natural native speed]
også [natural native speed]
også [slowly - broken down by syllable]
også [natural native speed]
å ha [natural native speed]
å ha [slowly - broken down by syllable]
å ha [natural native speed]
like [natural native speed]
to like
like [slowly - broken down by syllable]
like [natural native speed]
å fiske [natural native speed]
to fish
å fiske [slowly - broken down by syllable]
å fiske [natural native speed]
å se [natural native speed]
to watch, to see, to look
å se [slowly - broken down by syllable]
å se [natural native speed]
Yura:Let’s have a closer look at a couple of the words and phrases from the vocabulary. I’m thinking of the interjections, those sure are interesting.
Filip:Well spotted they are indeed interesting. We never write them, you see.
Yura:Meaning they are used in conversations only?
Filip:Exactly. Så is more of a filler word than anything else. It’s used to “break the silence” before conversations, or it can be used in between, just like the English “So.”
Yura:And what about Åja?
Filip:Åja has a bit more meat than så. It’s used to express sudden understanding. Kind of hard to explain. So let’s take an example from the dialogue.
Filip:Ja, jeg jobber også for Mercedes. Har du en hobby?
Yura yes, I work for Mercedes. Do you have a hobby?
Filip:Åja, ja jeg liker å fiske. Hva med deg?
Yura Oh, right. Yeah, I enjoy fishing. what about you
Filip:In this situation either Espen posed his question poorly, or Mark misunderstood what Espen wanted to ask. Espen asks again if Mark has a hobby, and all of a sudden Mark understands what Espen was asking about in the first place, so he uses Åja to express that he “got it.”
Yura:Yea, just like we use “oh, right” in English?

Lesson focus

Yura:Now let’s take a look at the grammar point of this lesson.
Filip:In this lesson we will look at how to further improve your self introduction, or just inquire about the other person.
Yura:Let’s have Filip read two different ways of asking what the other person does for a living, or in their spare time.
Filip:Hva driver du med?
Yura:What do you do?
Yura:let’s hear it again slowly.
Filip:Hva driver du med?
Yura:Now repeat.
Filip:Hva driver du med?
Yura:Now we could have Filip answer the same as Mark in our dialogue
Filip:Jeg liker å fiske
Yura:I enjoy fishing
Yura:Let’s hear it again slowly.
Filip:Jeg liker å fiske
Yura:and at natural speed again. Please repeat.
Filip:Jeg liker å fiske
Yura:Great! Now let’s look at how to say that you like something, or make it into a question. We went through SVO and VSO sentences in lesson 6, so let’s make them with the word for “like”. This will make the sentence into something “you like.” Go.
Filip:All right. The first one will be an SVO sentence, and therefore a statement
Filip:Jeg liker deg.
Yura:I like you.
Filip:Jeg liker deg.
Filip:Now, the next one we will change to a VSO sentence, and it will transform the statement to a question
Filip:Liker du meg?
Yura:Do you like me?
Filip:Liker du meg?
Yura:Now that wasn’t too hard, and we completely turned the situation around. What if we want to say “I don’t like?”
Filip:We simply add ikke meaning “not” before the object of the sentence. First let’s see it in the SVO sentence
Filip:Jeg liker ikke deg.
Yura:I don’t like you.
Filip:Jeg liker ikke deg.
Yura:And now as a VSO sentence, forming a question
Filip:Liker du ikke meg?
Yura:Don’t you like me?
Filip:Liker du ikke meg?
Filip:And it’s that simple. Instead of the word meg, meaning “me” you can change the object to anything you like. Let me give you a few more examples
Filip:Jeg liker ikke å jobbe
Yura:I don’t like to work
Filip:Jeg liker å fiske
Yura:"I like to fish," or, "I enjoy fishing"
Yura:That's a very easy and effective way to expand a conversation! You can use these in situations other than self-introductions as well.
Yura:Okay, well that’s it for this lesson, hope you learned a lot! Remember to practice what you've learned in this lesson, and see you next time!
Filip:Bra jobbet! Vi sees!

