Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everybody. Anette here. Welcome back to Top Norwegian words. Today, we are going to look at 10 Words You Never Want to Hear. So, let’s get started.
1. Har du lagt på deg i det siste? "Have you gained weight recently?"
Well, this one should be pretty obvious. We actually have a song about this topic in Norwegian. You should check it out. It goes like this.
Please check them out for some fun Norwegian songs.
2. Du har et grått hår. "You have a gray hair."
Yeah, you know, when people start getting closer to their 30s, then, there might be some gray hairs. It’s a hard topic to talk about.
3. Det var det jeg sa! "I told you so!"
Yeah. This reminds me of my childhood like playing around and arguing with my brother. It’s like Det var det jeg sa!
4. Du har sparken! "You're fired!"
Luckily, this is something I haven’t experienced yet but that’s definitely something I wouldn’t want to hear.
5. Det er ikke deg, det er meg. "It is not you, it is me."
I think this sentence is a little bit of a cliché perhaps but truth to be told. You know, nowadays, some people even breakup through SMS. So, who knows!
6. Takk for CVen, men stillingen er blitt fylt. "Thank you for your resume. However, the position has been filled."
Takk for CVen, men stillingen er blitt fylt. "Thank you for your resume. However, the position has already been filled."
Yeah, these days, it’s getting really hard to find jobs in Norway. So you have to practice hard with your Norwegian in order to not hear this phrase when you apply for jobs.
7. Vi burde treffe andre. "We should see other people."
No, don’t say that. No, just one more chance. Come on!
8. Jeg har ikke pengene dine idag. "I don't have your money today."
Yeah, this is also a good example for how to lose your friends. You should pay back your money, you know.
9. Unnskyld, jeg glemte det! "Sorry, I forgot!"
Well you know, when you learn a new language, you are going to keep forgetting a lot of stuff. It’s just too much to think about at the same time.
10. Dette er ikke bra nok. "This is not good enough."
But come on, we’ve done this video shooting 10 times already. It must be good enough now right.
That’s all for now. Thank you. Bye, bye.
Oh so fat you’ve become. I think you’ve probably gained some weight. How are you doing? Um, it’s been a long time no see.

