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Culture Class: Essential Norwegian Vocabulary - Lesson 23: Popular Chain Stores
Matt: Native English speaker
Ida: Native Norwegian speaker
Matt: Hi everyone, I’m Matt.
Ida: And I’m Ida!
Matt: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Norwegian Vocabulary, Lesson 23: Popular Chain Stores! In this lesson you'll learn five essential words related to transportation and around town. These are five popular chain stores in Norway, hand-picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at NorwegianClass101.com

Lesson focus

Matt: Ida, what’s our first word?
Ida: Meny
Matt: Meny, a Norwegian supermarket chain
Ida: (slow) Meny (regular) Meny
Matt: Listeners, please repeat:
Ida: Meny
[pause - 5 sec.]
Matt: Meny is a very popular supermarket in Norway that sells everything needed in a household. Meny also sells warm food made in the store, such as meatballs and lasagna.
Matt: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ida: (normal) Det er ingen Meny-butikker i Nord-Norge.
Matt: There are no Meny stores in Northern Norway.
Ida: (slow) Det er ingen Meny-butikker i Nord-Norge.
Matt: Okay, what’s the next word?
Ida: Rema 1000
Matt: Rema 1000, a Norwegian supermarket chain
Ida: (slow) Rema 1000 (regular) Rema 1000
Matt: Listeners, please repeat:
Ida: Rema 1000
[pause - 5 sec.]
Matt: Rema 1000 is another popular supermarket in Norway and is generally cheaper than other supermarkets. Rema 1000 doesn’t sell warm food and has only vacuum-packed meat and fish.
Matt: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ida: (normal) Rema 1000 oppskriftene er kjempegode.
Matt: The Rema 1000 recipes are really delicious.
Ida: (slow) Rema 1000 oppskriftene er kjempegode.
Matt: Okay, what’s the next word?
Ida: Nille
Matt: Nille, a Norwegian low-price store chain
Ida: (slow) Nille (regular) Nille
Matt: Listeners, please repeat:
Ida: Nille
[pause - 5 sec.]
Matt: Nille has over 240 stores in Norway and sells everything from candy, to candles, to toothbrushes. If Norwegians want to buy cheap candles or wrapping paper, they often buy it at Nille.
Matt: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ida: (normal) Nille selger veldig billige ting.
Matt: Nille sells very cheap things.
Ida: (slow) Nille selger veldig billige ting.
Matt: Okay, what’s the next word?
Ida: Europris
Matt: Europris, Norwegian low-price chain store
Ida: (slow) Europris (regular) Europris
Matt: Listeners, please repeat:
Ida: Europris
[pause - 5 sec.]
Matt: Europris has several stores in Norway. Europris sells everyday products such as shampoo and cleaning products very cheaply. They also sell plants and gardening products, so you can pretty much find everything at Europris.
Matt: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ida: (normal) "Mer til overs" er Europris sitt slagord.
Matt: "More to spare" is Europris’s catchphrase.
Ida: (slow) "Mer til overs" er Europris sitt slagord.
Matt: Okay, what’s the last word?
Ida: Coop
Matt: Coop, a supermarket chain in Norway
Ida: (slow) Coop (regular) Coop
Matt: Listeners, please repeat:
Ida: Coop
[pause - 5 sec.]
Matt: Coop has several supermarkets in Norway, and they are divided into different brands, such as coop Obs!, Coop elektro, Coop Mega, Coop extra, and so on. You can find everything at the different Coop stores.
Matt: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ida: (normal) Coop butikkene stenger somregel klokka 11 i de større byene.
Matt: The Coop stores usually close at 11 o’clock in the bigger cities.
Ida: (slow) Coop butikkene stenger somregel klokka 11 i de større byene.
Matt: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Ida will give you the Norwegian – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Ida: Meny
[pause]Matt: Meny, Norwegian supermarket chain
Ida: Rema 1000
[pause]Matt: Rema 1000, Norwegian supermarket chain
Ida: Nille
[pause]Matt: Nille, Norwegian low-price store chain
Ida: Europris
[pause]Matt: Europris, Norwegian low-price chain store
Ida: Coop
[pause]Matt: Coop, supermarket chain in Norway


Matt: There you have it – five popular chain stores in Norway! We have more vocab lists available at NorwegianClass101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, see you next time!
Ida: Hade!

