
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Filip: Hi, I am Filip.
Becky: And I’m Becky. Welcome back to NorwegianClass101.com. This is Lower Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 20 - Will You Get to the Norwegian Meeting in Time?
Filip: In this lesson, we’ll learn about ‘når meaning ‘when’ in Norwegian, as well as how to talk about time. In the conversation, Kjersti is being called in to work by her boss a bit earlier to attend a meeting.
Becky: Okay, Let’s listen to the conversation.
Becky: Being on time to work in Norway is just as important as in other countries, isn’t it Filip.
Filip: Yes, that’s right. It’s common for office workers to work the standard 9-5. But the majority of the Norwegian work force are in more practical jobs, so work hours can vary quite a bit.
Becky: Yes, and while working is important to Norwegians, what is much more important is their leisure time.
Filip: Yeah, spare time is almost sacred to us Norwegians. We’ll prioritise it above anything else!
Becky: So when it comes to time and work, Norwegians are always looking for ways to increase their leisure time.
Filip: Yeah. Actually, did you know that last year a suggestion passed through the courts that would make the work day 5 hours long instead of 8, as we have now.
Becky: Yeah, I heard about that. It hasn’t been decided on yet, has it?
Filip: No, not yet. But if it did, the first thing I would do is go back to Norway and get a job. Imagine all that spare time!
Becky: I wouldn’t blame you! Now let’s move on to the vocab.
Becky: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Filip: First up is ‘Klokken’. While it’s also the definitive form of the noun ‘klokke...’
Becky: ...which means “clock”, it’s also used to express the same concept as “o’clock” or “am/pm” does in English. In English “o’clock” or “am/pm” is always found after the stated time, and they are sometimes left out for convenience.
Filip: In Norwegian, it comes first when stating the time and last when asking it. When stating the time it can also be left out, so you just have the numbers.
Becky: Let’s look at some examples.
Filip: Hva er klokken?
Becky: “What time is it?”
Filip: Klokken er elleve
Becky: “It’s eleven o’clock”
Filip: Den er elleve
Becky: “It’s eleven”
Filip: Ok, let’s move on. Next is ‘mulighet’. It means...
Becky: “possibility”. But as a concept, it’s used in situations where you ask someone if they are “able” to do something. You are talking about “whether they have time” or if there is a “possibility for something”.
Filip: Now for the next one, ‘å sees’, the explanation might be a bit more tricky.
Becky: In English, it would be equivalent to “meet” or “see” one another again. It’s used in various scenarios, and is quite a handy word. Let’s look at some examples for both words.
Filip: Har du mulighet til å komme over?
Becky: “Are you able to come over?”
Filip: Vi kan sees en annen gang?
Becky: “We can meet another time?
Filip: Har du mulighet til å sees?
Becky: “Are you able to meet up?” Great. Let’s now go to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Filip: In this lesson you’ll learn how to talk about time.
Becky: We’ll continue looking at the conjunction “when”.
Filip: Which is ‘når’ in Norwegian. ‘Når’ with present tense verbs is used to ask when something will happen.
Becky: In English it’s the same, because Norwegian and English share the same Germanic roots. That’s makes learning Norwegian so much easier for English speakers.
Filip: So the structure is pretty much the same as the one you use in English. Take for example a sentence from the dialogue. ‘Når er det du kommer inn i dag?’
Becky: “When is it you are coming in today?” We learned this in our previous lesson, just in the past tense. This question could be changed to the one we learned in the previous lesson by phrasing it like this...
Filip: ‘Når var det du skulle komme inn i dag?’ You’re essentially asking the same thing as the present tense version in our dialogue, just phrasing it differently.
Becky: But for this lesson, let’s look at a slightly different way to phrase this, so we aren’t going in circles.
Filip: That said, we did see an example of this structure in our previous lesson. It’s much shorter and simpler than the sentence in this lesson’s dialogue.
Becky: Changing it into past tense is also possible with this structure. We saw that in our previous lesson.
Filip: So let’s use ‘når er det du kommer in i dag’ to start off with, and then change it into the simpler structure ‘når er det du kommer inn i dag’ is a VSO question, as you may notice.
Becky: It’s built up like this - Conjunction + verb + pronoun, Subject, verb, adverb + Object. This might look a bit confusing, and it is. We did explain it in our previous lesson though.
Filip: This sentence is a bit redundant, so let’s cut it down. We’ll make it into - conjunction + Verb, Subject, adverb + Object.
Becky: A lot shorter and simpler.
Filip: The sentence would now be ‘Når kommer du inn i dag?’
Becky: “When are you coming in today?” But you might notice that the English translation isn’t word for word anymore. Let’s look at some examples of this sentence structure.
Filip: Når får vi bilen?
Becky: “When are we getting the car?”
Filip: Når kommer bussen?
Becky: “When is the bus coming?”
Filip: Når blir det mørkt i dag?
Becky: “When does it get dark today?”
Filip: There are several ways we can answer these questions. We saw some of them in our previous lesson.
Becky: In this lesson, we’ll take a closer look at how those answers can be structured.
Filip: In our dialogue Kjersti answers her boss ‘jeg er på jobb om en time.’
Becky: “I’m at work in an hour”. The important part of this sentence that we want to highlight is...
Filip: Essentially, ‘om en time’ which means “In an hour”.
Becky: Don’t be confused. In Norwegian, ‘en’ means both “an” and “one”.
Filip: This means we can increase the number of hours or the number of minutes, seconds, days, weeks, months, or years, if we want.
Becky: All you need to do is change the nouns for plurals , and change the number for masculine or neuter gender in the case of ‘en’ which means “one”
Filip: This is how you’d do it - “minutt”, for example is the neuter gender, so ‘en’ becomes ‘ett..’. That still means “one”.
Becky: Ok, let’s look at some examples using this.
Filip: Bilen for vi om tre uker
Becky: “We’ll get the car in three weeks”
Filip: Bussen kommer om to timer
Becky: “The bus arrives in two hours”
Filip: Det blir mørkt om førti minutter
Becky: “It’s getting dark in forty minutes”


Becky: Okay, that’s going to do it for this lesson.
Filip: Make sure to listen again and look at the lesson notes.
Becky: Thanks for listening, and we’ll see you next time.
Filip: Takk for at dere hørte på, hade!

